There’s something terribly wrong with this world. Wild fires raging over the Amazon, tones of ice melting on the Antarctic, storms that threaten to wipe up entire islands and destroy millions of lives are just some of the issues the Earth faces on a daily basis. Who’s to blame? Well, while there are certainly those who are more responsible than others, truth be told if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look in the mirror. Our ignorant disregard for this problems as well as the mass consumption especially of all things fashion are huge part of the problem.

We work in an industry whose infamous for being the second largest polluter in the world with over 3million tonnes of clothing being thrown away each year and no one is held responsible for it. We have to do better. As a brand who supports local community of women single parents and strives to be sustainable, we believe we must be held accountable for our actions, especially the decisions we make around our production process. This is one of the reasons why two years ago we decided to hold no inventory and custom-make our entire line. Since then our team is religiously and obsessively dedicated to producing every item sustainably. So, it comes as no surprise that our last collection is inspired by the very last civilization who knew how to protect, treasure, respect and preserve Mother nature, the Native Americans. Their strong bond with nature and spirituality is admirable and empowering. Read on to find more about the making of the Wild Spirit Collection, the fabrics, the cuts, the silhouettes and all the deets.
1. Picking The Colors, Cuts & Fabrics

Last year when we did our autumn collection, we went for a color palette of sunflower tints, lime greens, pumpkin shades and gloomy skies tones. This collection too was dedicated to Gaia, the Greek goddess of Earth. This year we opted for more earthy tones like desert rose soft caramel shades and emerald green notes. We mixed that with 20s drop waist silhouettes and to spice things up we added thigh side slits and feminine pleats as details around the waist.

And here’s a bit sneak peek into the production process. Once the patterns are ready and the fabric is cut we pick the threads, assemble the cutout patterns, put the threads on the machine and than start sewing them.

2. Inspiration Behind The Designs
Bold, courageous, edgy and driven women have always been the focus point of our collections. We praise these babes because we believe that they have the power to change the world for the better. And oh boy, do we desperately need a change. This time the names of the dresses were inspired by five beautiful Native American names for girls.

The Awinta Dress, aka the social butterfly is perfect for women whose social schedule is off the hook and are always on the go.

Luyu, aka “The Wild One” is designed for women whose spirit is untamable, women who run freely with the wolves, women whose fearless energy is contagious and are always unapologetic.

Nayla, aka “The Winner” is for the driven, ambitious woman who get things done.

Maiara, aka “The Wise One”, as in it would be wise of you to own it.

Halona, aka “The Good Fortune” dress, as in you’ll get lucky when wearing it.
3. Styling
While deciding on how to style the dresses we took into consideration both day and night looks.
For product photos we went for a very simple and clean styling with golden layered necklaces, simple earrings and minimal rings paired with cowboy ankle and knee boots.

For the mini editorial we made, we opted for bags, waist belts and hats for a more winter-y look.
4. Photoshoot
Planning a photoshoot is always tricky, especially when it’s outside. You have to be aware of the light that can literally make or break a photo. But our idea was to shoot the dresses in a more natural habitat and so we hit the concrete streets of Skopje to find the perfect spot that will blend both casual and luxe. Our goal was to show you that the dresses when styled right can be multifunctional. You can wear them in the office or rock them at a cocktail party. It’s totally up to you.

And that’s a wrap.
To see all the pieces click here. As always, we promise to get your mind blown away.