Carbon Neutral Shipping

Supporting Wires

Supporting Wires

Our brand strives to make changes not only in the fashion industry, but in all spheres of life. We are deeply aware of the current situations, and want to give a helping hand in the best way that we can.

Every three months we make sure to support a cause that's dear to us. In order to do our part correctly and be fully transparent, here's a list of causes and charities we've supported and are planning on supporting in 2020.

This list will be ongoing, so we'll be updating it every three months.

In December 2019 & January 2020 we donated 10% and 50% respectively of our profit to Wires, Australia's largest wildlife rescue organisation. In June of 2019, the monstrous wild fires killed 30% of the koala population and left 26 million acres burned to the ground. The world was left in shock, so our brand took this opportunity to contribute and help Australia recover from this tragedy. 

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