“I started my business from my home office and garage with $6000 of my life savings, and grew that into two multi-million dollar businesses, running out of my home for two years.” — Iyia Liu
Who is Iyia Liu?
Born and raised in Auckland, currently 24 years old. Love my dog Bari, currently building my dream home, living a life that I love.
It seems like everything you touch turns to gold. You’re only 24 years old and you’ve already sold two very successful e-commerce businesses Waist Trainer and Luxe Fitness. With two new ones coming up, could you tell us what it’s like to be you for a day?
Day to day i’m an ordinary girl. Wake up, work on my businesses, finish work, maybe go to a fitness class or watch some Netflix. But every so often, I will get to do something interesting like go overseas to speak at a conference, or be a guest judge at an event, or take a helicopter to my morning meeting on an island, and so forth.
Do you have a morning routine before going to work or some sort of morning ritual that helps you keep your focus?

What’s the most exciting thing about your job?
New things happening all the time. Whether it’s an event, or someone I get to meet, it’s always a little bit different — I can’t imagine going to work and doing the same thing every day.
Three most important lessons you’ve learnt while building up each business…
Work with others in every way. It’s impossible to grow without the help of others
If you have a vision and you work hard to achieve it, you will achieve it in time
Don’t be afraid of competition, let it make you work harder — and never be bitter towards the competition, if you’re doing well you wouldn’t care.
Favorite places and favorite Insta faces
Love the Greek Islands, in particular Mykonos. Bali is 2nd on my list! Instafaces: Shani Grimmond, Shaaanxo, Simone Anderson, Healthychick101, Blessedindoubles — so many that I follow to be honest!
What’s in your Bastet Noir cart?

When you read about such impressive woman like Iyia, you can’t help but be in awe of her. She is the perfect embodiment of a strong woman who knows what she wants and knows exactly how to get it. Iyia Liu is a perfect example of millennial entrepreneur who just like any other successful one before her has built a business from the ground up by simply learning from her mistakes, bending them to her advantage. And that’s why we find her story truly inspiring and motivating, because women like her are why the saying “Girls run the world” exists in the first place.
We love strong, confident and self reliant women, so if you think you got what it takes, send us an email with your Instagram account and the story you’d like to share and you might just become Bastet Noir’s next cool face.